We understand it can be frustrating to see your message flagged as a violation of content guidelines. Our goal is to help you understand why this happens and what you can do about it.
Your message was flagged by OpenAI’s moderation system. OpenAI, the creators of ChatGPT, which powers the AI in our app, requires that each message passes content moderation before continuing. This system reviews content against a set of guidelines to identify potential issues such as inappropriate language, sensitive topics, and misinformation. Sometimes, this moderation can erroneously flag messages that do not actually violate the guidelines.
Even if you believe your message does not violate any guidelines, the moderation system may still flag it for the following reasons:
To resolve the issue, please consider the following steps:
The moderation system is managed by OpenAI and is designed to maintain a safe interaction environment with the AI. We have no control over the specific moderation decisions, and there are no workarounds. The best approach is to modify your content to meet the guidelines.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please reach out to our support team. We are here to help you navigate this process and ensure your interactions with the AI are smooth and compliant.