Logotipo Bubblz
Logotipo Bubblz
Suporte Bubblz

Compreender a diferença entre o ditado e o nosso modo de introdução de voz

If you’ve accidentally tapped the native dictation button on your keyboard (usually found near the space bar) while using our app, you might think it’s our voice input mode. However, our app has a dedicated voice input feature that works differently.

How to Use Our Voice Input Mode:

  1. Look for the Blue Microphone Icon: When you’re in the text input mode, a blue microphone icon will appear in the text field. This icon toggles your chat into voice input mode.
  2. Tap the Blue Microphone: Tap the blue microphone icon to switch to voice input mode. Once activated, you can speak directly into the chat.
  3. Switching Back to Text Input: When you’re in voice input mode, a keyboard icon will appear. Tap this icon to return to text input mode.

Why Not Use the Dictation Button?

  • The native dictation button on your keyboard is a general feature that converts speech to text, but it doesn’t interact with our app’s specialized voice input mode.
  • Our voice input mode is designed specifically for seamless chat experiences, with optimized features and commands.

Ainda tens dúvidas?

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Com o Bubblz, tornares-te fluente não é uma tarefa — é uma conversa!

Abandona o tradicional e entra no futuro da prática de línguas. Experimenta o Bubblz gratuitamente hoje e experimenta a aprendizagem de línguas como nunca antes.
Bubblz™ é uma marca registada pendente da Surf City Apps LLC nos Estados Unidos, na União Europeia, no Japão e na Coreia.